Watershed - RVCA (2)
Watershed - Eastern CA (3)
Sub-Watersheds - Simple - RVCA (4)
Sub-Watersheds - Catchment Background - RVCA (5)
Catchments - Simple - RVCA (6)
Catchments - Watercourse Background - RVCA (7)
Wetlands - Name - MNRF (9)
Wetlands - Type - MNRF (10)
| Fen |
| Bog |
| Open Water |
| Marsh |
| Swamp |
| Unknown |
Wetlands - PSW and non PSW - MNRF (11)
| PSW Wetland |
| non-PSW Wetlands |
Wetlands - Presettlement - DU (12)
Waterbody - Names - RVCA (14)
Watercourse - Municipal Drain - OMAFRA (15)
Watercourse - Type - RVCA (16)
| Culvert |
| Ditch |
| Constructed Drain - Closed |
| Constructed Drain - Open |
| Stream |
| Virtual Connector |
| Virtual Flow |
| unclassified |
Watercourse - Order - RVCA (17)
Waterbody - Major - RVCA (18)
DEM - Ottawa (20)
| High : 414.929 - Low : 34.439 |
Hillshade - Ottawa (21)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
DEM- RVCA (22)
| High : 474.693 - Low : 9.73 |
Hillshade - RVCA (23)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas - MRSPR (25)
Sands and Gravels (GSC 1994-2001, OF5311, surfgeol) (26)
| sand dunes |
| deltaic and estuarian deposits |
| erosional terraces |
| fluvial terraces, sand, silt |
| floodplains, sand, silt, clay |
| beach formations |
| glaciofluvial deposits |
| sand, reworked glaciofluvial |
| glacial till - pervious in our region |
Sands and Gravels (OGS 2007. MRD228, physio_poly_poygon) (27)
| beaches |
| sand plains |
| eskers |
| kame moraines |
| Drumlins |
Sands and Gravels (OGS 2010, MRD128REV, sgu_poly_polygon) (28)
| sand |
| gravel |
| glacial till - generally pervious in our region |
Sands and Gravels (OGS 2004, EDSO14-REV, geology_II) (29)
| gravel and sand (delta) |
| gravel, sand, silt and clay (former flood plain) |
| gravel, sand, silt and clay (flood plain) |
| sand and gravel (beach) |
| gravel and sand (gacial) |
| gravel and sand, minor till |
| sandy drift |
| sandy to silty drift |
| sandy silt to silt drift |
Sandy and Gravelly Soils (OMAF Soil Survey Complex) (30)
| very fine to fine sands and sandy loams |
| sands and sandy loams |
| gravelly sands and gravelly loams |
Peat and Muck (OGS 2007. MRD228, physio_poly_poygon) (32)
| peat and muck |
Organic Deposits (OGS 2010, MRD128REV, sgu_poly_polygon) (33)
| organic deposits |
Organic Deposits (OGS 2004, EDSO14-REV, geology_II) (34)
Muck, Marsh, Organics, Peat (OMAF Soil Survey Complex) (35)
| Marsh |
| Muck |
| Organics - Peat |
| Peat |
Organic Deposits (GSC 1994-2001, OF5311, surfgeol) (36)
Significat Woodlands - MNRF (38)
Woodlands - RVCA (39)
ANSI - MNRF (41)
| Earth Science ANSI |
| Earth Science ANSI - Candidate |
| Life Science ANSI |
| Life Science ANSI - Candidate |
| <all other values> |
Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) - EOMF (42)
| A |
| AX |
| B |
| BE |
| BF |
| BW |
| BY |
| CE |
| H |
| HE |
| L |
| LA |
| M |
| MH |
| MR |
| MS |
| MX |
| OH |
| OR |
| OX |
| PJ |
| PO |
| PR |
| PS |
| PW |
| S |
| SB |
| SW |
| SX |